
When submitting a grant application, the applicant provides the Foundation with personal data, which constitute a register within the meaning of the Personal Data Act (523/1999).

The personal data collected will be used for processing grant applications and grants awarded. The Foundation may also use the application data in its research and development activities, for example to carry out impact analyses of grants. The register records information provided in grant applications and information relating to the payment of awarded grants and the progress of the research or project and the final report. Information on grants paid to natural persons is passed on to the Tax Administration and the Farmers’ Pension Fund.

The recipients and amounts of the grants awarded and, where applicable, the research/project summaries are published on the Foundation’s website and in the annual report. We also submit information on the funding granted to the research database maintained by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The Foundation acts as a joint registrar of the project database with the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Each applicant has the right to inspect the data concerning him or her, the right to request the correction of incorrect data and the right to exercise his or her rights under the Personal Data Act.

The right of access may be denied in certain circumstances provided for in the Personal Data Act, and there is no right of access at all to data collected for scientific research and statistical purposes only, for example.

Requests in this regard should be addressed in writing to the Foundation’s representative.

Register description (in Finnish) in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Act.